Monday, January 30, 2012

New Things!

Ah, meeting new people, doing new things, eating new foods, writing new posts, wearing new clothes, listening to new weird radio stations, going to new churches, getting new freckles, sitting in new coffee shops, making new friends... oh wait, haven't done that one yet. 
By now I have figured out that I like change. But, I have also realized that I like these changes to be a little bit more controlled and in some-what smaller doses. I love how the Lord works and I love how He puts us in situations where we can grow in our dependence on Him. I am learning that for sure. A wise woman once gave me a card and on the back she wrote,  
"He (Jesus) is all you need when He's all you have, and 
He's all you need when you have everything you could want." 

Now obviously God knows I need some physical and emotional needs met by things here on earth (ie: food, hugs, coffee, warm fuzzy blankets, friends etc.) but the point is that when I am at my worst I am in great need of Him and when I am all filled up to overflowing from things here on earth,I am still in great need of my Savior. 
I might be a little scattered and random today, but I have a lot to get out of this little brain of mine. 
Today Sean got an interview at a coffee shop right by our house. That was a huge answer to prayer! I hope he gets it because you all know how much I love coffee :) Oh, and we need the income too! 
I also got to talk on the phone with a dear friend for an hour on the phone! It was probably the highlight of my day... maybe even week. I have come to know very deeply the need I have for close friendships. Where you can be totally yourself and share things that you wouldn't with just anyone, and it is reciprocated. I am so blessed to have so many good friends like this. 
In the kitchen
Sean, enjoying lunch! 
Oooh! I just made chicken tacos and yummy salad! It was pretty amazing! I love being in such a tiny space because everything I do seems like such a huge task to organize. These are some of my thoughts while cooking: "Should I chop up the chicken here... (move the plate one inch over)... no here is much better, that way if I have to turn on the water I won't touch the plate where the chicken is." Or "I wonder how far I can scoot this bowl over the edge before it falls off." Or "How the heck am I going to get this food onto a plate! I wish I had three arm. One to hold the pan while I scoop with another and hold the plate with another." There is literally room on counter for one plate and maybe a mug, or small bowl! So fun! I am really enjoying being able to use my creativity on such productive things. Normally I have to go by a canvas or get out my craft bin (which I left in Portland) to be innovative. Now all I need to hear is "I'm gettin' kinda hungry. What's for lunch?" and the creative juices begin flowing from my very fingertips. Oh the little things in life :) 
I also got to talk with my very awesomely pregnant-with-twin-boys sister Amber Dawn. She is always such a breath of fresh air to talk with and understands more than anyone how exciting the adventure I'm on is. Since we grew up moving all over, never being in place for too long, we both have this great desire and pull toward things that are a little crazy and adventuresome. She's great. 
Well, I guess the theme for today is to remember how much the Lord is in control and how much relying on Him is part of my everyday and that I have dear and sweet people all around me who love me and mostly love God. I'm thankful! 
Now off to get ready to go out with our landlord and lordess :) They invited us to come to their church tonight for a marriage series! So fun! I love marriage. Seriously though, I wouldn't love it as much if I didn't know Jesus or wasn't married to Sean! Again, I am thankful!
What are you thankful for today? 


  1. SO great to read what is going on in your life! I just blogged about food and change tonight too! Must be in the blogging air... : )
    I miss seeing your smiling face at Insomnia, I miss Insomnia too. Blessings of adventure to you and Sean down south!!

  2. You look like Mom in that pic ;)
    I'm so glad for the adventure that you and Sean are on together!
    God's gonna do so many fantastic things with your hearts!!

  3. Do I have to have a blog to comment? :) I love your blog! You make me laugh! And your food looks yummy. And your face looks pretty. And Sean has his endearing "I love Ashley" Sean face. And I like the part about Jesus. ;) And I want to know how you liked the marriage talk. And... Bam! ;)

    Did I tell you you made my day by calling the shop on Tuesday btw?

    Haha! It was fun hearing your voices!

    Keep blogging! I like reading :)
