Hello, whoever you are:)
I have been thinking so much lately about all the things I have been
learning and encouraged by and that I need to just get them out!
"Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee; Thou has taken hold of my right hand. With Thou counsel Thou will guide me, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My heart and my flesh may fail but God is the strength of my life, my portion forever....
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all Thy works."
Psalm 73:23-26,28
Oh, that I would tell of all His works!
He has been doing so much! What a God I know and serve!
There has been a definite theme for the last two weeks that has enveloped both my heart and mind. Do I know the nearness of my God and then out of that nearness do I trust Him?
My classes lately have been filled with amazing information that has really been strengthening my faith! I have never been so confident that the God I know is the ONLY way. For those who say that all "ways" or "truth" can be right and that there is no absolute truth, is an absolute statement. For those of you who cannot wrap your minds around the evidence of God and choose to believe we came from nothing, I would ask to keep searching. How does such an intricate existence come from absolutely nothing? There are so many evidences all around that point to a Greater Being, and such a Being's name is Jesus. He is real! Man! I have lived my entire life believing this to be true. But before this last month it was based on faith alone! And God has blessed that faith and shown me so much of Himself throughout my faith-filled life!
"Without faith it is impossible to please God."
Along with my depth of faith now, I have received so much TRUTH. More and more each day I have grown in my knowledge. Knowledge about How We Got the Bible (by: Neil Lightfoot) and knowledge about the Evidence of God. Through these studies, the faith I have has grown so much!
A photo of the Dead Sea Scrolls! |
Christian, why do you say “I have faith and don't need to know more truth”? God's Word is truth! Know why you believe what you believe! Be able to give an account for the hope that is in you. If we cannot back up what we believe why would those around us who are so misled about this life, ever come to us to answer their questions?
I am not trying to start a debate, or even conversation about any of this. I am just sharing that which is overflowing from my heart. But if you do want to talk I would love to!
"The nearness of God is my good"
I have never felt so near to Him. His character being revealed, His evident Presence and His nature. All of these are what I live for. I live each day with a desire to simply please Him.
Lord, today I will believe that You are and that you are a rewarder of those who seek You diligently. (Hebrews 11:6)
Love you all!
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